What is acupuncture?


Acupuncture involves the insertion of small, thin (and quite painless!) needles into the body in order to facilitate healing. There are hundreds or thousands of points, depending on what system one follows. These points lie along energetic pathways called meridians, and the qi energy in the meridians must remain balanced in order for us to thrive. Knowing which points to needle, and when, is the art of the acupuncturist.

But how does your acupuncturist decide which points to use? Let's first zoom out a ways...

Acupuncture is part of the traditional Chinese medical system that developed over the course of thousands of years. This system was, and is, extremely heterogeneous. It includes elements of Daoism, Confucianism, and Shamanism. It traveled to Japan, Korea, and other regions where profound contributions were made. While the Western synthesis "TCM" is often used to denote the medicine today, it's by no means the only game in town; there are also systems such as Jeffrey Yuen's Classical Acupuncture, which our practice is named for!

As different as these traditions are, there are philosophical concepts and clinical practices which tie them together. They're all based on the transformations of yin and yang and the Five Elements. They all look to nature for inspiration and encourage humankind to live in harmony with nature. And they tend to include the following branches: 

* Acupuncture

* Herbal medicine

* Tai chi / qi gong

* Nutritional therapy

So, the first answer to the question "what is acupuncture?" is that it's part of a complete medical system. This system addresses pain, yes, but also most concerns which one might take to a PCP: digestive disorders, headaches, stress, anxiety, and infertility among them.

In Chinese medicine, our body is wise and our symptoms are our teachers. Illness lets us know that something is out of balance. Acupuncturists then use an advanced diagnostic system to understand the problem. By inserting needles at specific points, they regulate the body's energy and restore health.


The Organ Systems in Chinese Medicine